Right from the inception of JalKal Vibhag, it has been entrusted the work of operation and maintenance of city water supply and sewerage system. Prior to the creation of Prayagraj Jal Sansthan water supply and sewerage services were looked after by local Municipal Corporation. In 1975 under the U.P. Water Supply and Sewerage Act. 1975 PJS was constituted as local authority to looked after these services. It has again been merged with Nagar Nigam & from 01.04.2009 working as JalKal Vibhag Nagar Nigam Prayagraj. The working / administrative set up of JalKal Vibhag is decentralised in Five Zones. Each zone is headed by Executive Engineer who is responsible for water supply, sewerage, Billing & Collection. Each Zone has its own separate administrative office. For public convince 24 hour Control Room & C.U.G. Mobile Number is made available to E.E./ A.E./J.E’s.